The Lieutenant Governor acts as California’s Economic Ambassador and to promoted trade and investment between California and other nations and states.

He often leads trade delegations from California to other nations promoting the goods and services of the world’s fifth largest economy to almost 200 nations.

If you compared California to other countries it would have a GDP of over $3 Trillion and as California Commission for Economic Development he is tasked with not only writing the economic plan for the state but to write policy regarding the massive imports and exports coming into the state.

This is critical considering recent supply chain issues and backups at Californian Ports.

David Fennell’s priority as Lieutenant governor would be to create new quality jobs in California and protecting intellectual property in our technology, film and music industries.

During his lifetime California has always been one the industrial engines that power the US economy however jobs are now not only leaving for other states but to other countries and the once great manufacturing sector of California that employed our blue collar workforce has left to Asia.

This creates not only a job and economic issue for the State but if you look at products such as semiconductors it creates a security issue for the country as everything from cars to phones cannot function without semiconductors which were once innovated in California -  but also is the industry that David Fennell’s family has worked since the 1970s. David Fennell himself did a college internship in Silicon Valley at Dataquest where his research and publications focused on National Semiconductor.

During his Undergraduate Business and Masters research he studied antitrust and developing economies and spent years during the 1990s hosting delegation to and from Asia including bringing the first ever West Coast State delegation to North Korea. He has given papers around the world on economic development and has worked closely with the US State Department, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Program, Hoover Institution, Pacific Basin Economic Council and many other international business and government agencies.

David Fennell will put California first when he works with other countries and has decades of experience and a unique economic business background to bring trade, investment and jobs back to California.